Every man dreams of a big penis. After all, the significant size of manhood makes him more self-confident. Therefore, many men even agree to a surgical enlargement of the penis.
However, those who are not ready for such drastic actions are looking for alternative ways to make their penis big and hardy. To increase the size of the penis, you can use folk remedies that will be an excellent alternative to surgery.
A man who wants to enlarge his penis is most often looking for inexpensive and effective ways on the Internet. However, most often questionable drugs are offered at a fairly high price. These funds, as a rule, not only do not bring the desired result, but can also be hazardous to health.
Traditional medicine comes to the rescue. It will help you make your manhood exactly what you have always dreamed of. Moreover, such methods of penis enlargement are available to everyone. The only condition for their effective use is regular use.
Penis enlargement methods available to everyone

The most popular home enlargement methods include:
- Penis massage. You can massage a previously steamed member, or you can do without preparation. This method is quite effective when used regularly. In addition, it is impossible to harm the body with the help of massage.
- Psychological method. This method does not mean that you need to suggest to yourself that your penis is big and, by closing your eyes, visualize the growth of the penis. In fact, the growth of the penis occurs under the influence of hormones produced by the brain with the right mood.
- Manual therapy. This method is based on the influence of certain points of the body, as a result of which it improves blood circulation and the penis becomes larger.
- Phytotherapy. There are folk recipes for herbal decoctions and other remedies that also promote the growth of the penis. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy expensive herbal preparations for penis enlargement, it is enough to know what herbs are needed and buy them separately at the pharmacy.
Let's take a closer look at each of these methods of increasing male dignity, and also determine which one is the most effective.
The most effective and popular home remedy for penis enlargement is self-massage. This method consists of two stages - preparation for the procedure and the massage itself.
To properly prepare the penis for massage, you should steam it properly. To do this, take a small piece of soft natural fabric and wet it with warm water. Then wrap the penis with this cloth and hold it for a few minutes. This will help improve blood circulation in soft tissues and make the self-massage procedure as effective as possible.
Then you can proceed to the procedure itself. You can perform it in a comfortable position - sitting or standing. It is necessary to carry out the massage in such a way that it does not cause painful sensations.
Stages of massage:
- Squeeze the head of the penis firmly enough without pain.
- Pull your penis out to the side.
- Lock it in this position for a few minutes.
- Return the penis to its original position.
- Give a gentle massage to restore blood circulation to the soft tissues.
- Repeat the above steps, each time changing the direction of the stretch.
The effectiveness of this massage will be noticeable after a few months of regular exercise.
Manual therapy, auto-training, herbal decoctions

Less popular penis enlargement treatments are manual and psychological therapies. But which one deserves your attention more?
Psychologists say that any state of the body can be controlled with the help of the correct psychological attitude. To do this, you need to take a little time every day in order to be alone and imagine the size of the penis that you want. This stimulates the production of hormones that cause the growth of the penis. Such auto-training can be given only a few minutes a day.
An alternative is manual therapy. This method is not popular, but it has its fans. The essence of manual therapy is to influence biologically active points that are responsible for the size of the penis, as well as for the amount of male hormones and soft tissue circulation. Massage these points daily to make your penis exactly the way you have always dreamed of.
But if you are not a fan of auto-training or manual therapy, you can try to enlarge your penis with herbal medicine.
In pharmacies and online stores, you can find various herbal preparations that affect the growth of male dignity. Herbal remedies to stimulate penis growth, when properly dosed, are completely safe and non-addictive.
However, it is much cheaper to purchase the herbs separately. To enlarge the penis, you should drink decoctions of hawthorn, ginseng and tribullus.